Update 2/10/16

Happy (late) new year everyone! This year is going to be very exciting as I’ve been working very hard to get The Music Sanctuary closer and closer to a tax-exempt non-profit  status. It’s hard work and school is very taxing, but it will all, hopefully, come together soon.

Thank you to everyone who has stuck with us  during these slow months. We hope to have very exciting news in the near future!


Update 12/06/15

It’s been quite a while since we’ve updated anyone on what we’ve been doing. Mollie and I are both in school and it’s very hard to stay on top of school and this at the same time, so i’ve chosen to focus more on school at this time and to take this a bit slower as it hasn’t really picked up a whole lot of speed yet.

But, in the last few months, two articles have been written about what we’re trying to do ((one written by yours truly!)). I’ve officially registered The Music Sanctuary as an official Non-Profit in the state of Kentucky. Now, i’m focusing on getting us the tax-exempt status. It’s all very exciting.

In the meantime, we’ve created a facebook page, a twitter page, a tumblr blog, and our friend Gabrielle has made us a website! Feel free to look us up and follow us on all of those. We’re also in the process of designing things like t-shirts and maybe some other merchandise if anyone would like to purchase things of that nature. It’s still in the works and we wouldn’t be able to sell anything until we’ve achieved tax-exempt status for legal reasons.

We’ve also figured out how the nomination process works. It will be on our website, but it won’t be up and running and we can’t take applications until we have enough donations to actually send someone to a concert, but it’s coming soon. The process will include the nominee’s parents/guardian or a counselor of some kind ((school, therapy, etc)) sending us the nominee’s ‘story’ of how their favorite band or artist has helped them through whatever mental illness they have.

We haven’t figured out a way to choose who we will take and who we won’t be able to take, yet. We  would like to be able to give everyone this opportunity to do this, but we realize that might not be possible. It all can get quite expensive and we don’t have a lot of money yet. But we will try out very best to figure out how we will choose very soon.

One last thing i’d like to add- in the article i wrote for Rookie Mag, i left out something crucial to why/how i’m still alive and able to start this with Mollie. 5 Seconds of Summer have helped me a ton and are the reason i met Mollie, but none of this would have happened if I didn’t know Jesus. While this organization isn’t officially affiliated with any religion and we won’t discriminate against anyone on any grounds, it’s very hard for me to talk about things like this without bringing up my faith. I would not be alive without my faith in Jesus and the hope of a better future. Bless you all.

If you have any questions about what we’re doing, if you want to get involved or if you have any suggestions on how we can improve what we’re doing, please feel free to email us at contact.themusicsanctuary@gmail.com.

Thank you all for the love and support so far.

-Reagan xx